Friday, February 20, 2009

Valentines Day

So, i think it was Jesus that wrote the book of love and this page sure was a good one! Karen and i headed up to her house outside Seattle for the Valentines Day weekend (the actual day falling on a Saturday this year). Friday night we met up with her family and played games, ate dinner, and just kept building those connections. Then on Saturday we had the greatest of times; i got to hang out with her dad just to get to know him more, we had coffee with her mom in the afternoon, and then her and i got away in the night for some 'just us' time. We had dinner atop the Space Needle in the revolving restaurant and it was freakin amazing! A starry night with unmatchable company, and food that is something like the wedding feast of the Lamb I'm sure (actually probably not even close, but it was quite blissful). Afterward we went to the observation deck for a little while, then drove back to her place, snuggled while watching 'Ever After', and then hit the hay. It was quite a little vacation in the middle of the business of schooling, and it really refreshed and renewed our infatuation with one another (though it hadn't really diminished, so i guess we strengthened it then). Alright, much love to you all, peace out!


Elleah said...

Sounds wonderfully romantic! :)

Megs said...

oh my dearest Evan, this is ridiculsoulsy awesome :D I'm stoked for you dear boy. I was just thinking of you the other day wondering how you were doing and all that jazz. I pray you are well and growing ever closer to Him.