Monday, May 25, 2009


Hello you. Yes, you reading this blog right now, i'm talking to you. I just wanted to let you know that i graduated a couple of Friday's ago. My degree is a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies and Theology with a minor in Psychology from Multnomah University (Multnomah Bible College). Other than that Karen and i are doing very well. I am in Colorado right now for my brother's wedding, and she was able to come out here and join me for the first week of it. We biked, hiked, ate, slept, sought God, and enjoyed the blessing of one another. Man alive i LOVE this girl. Now i am just chilling for a few weeks until the wedding, after which i will be returning to Portland, OR for at least a year. Who knows what God has in mind, but Karen has another year of school so that will keep me there for at least that long. Alright, peace out. Summer is here, take a hike...seriously. O, and the top picture is from a thing at school we call Junior Senior Banquet, or JSB. We get all dressed up, dine, and dance. It's pretty freakin' sweet and isn't she GORGEOUS!

1 comment:

Elleah said...

Congratulations! :)